Friday, June 11, 2010

Ran the Kenai 500 today ... with Harvey, Tom, Leslie, Birdie, New York (guy we met who rode with us) and Mike. I saw a sign that said 41 degrees. Birdie and Leslie saw a 35 degree. Who knew winter was still here?

We didn't really hit any rain, and in fact, had moments of sunshine, but it never really had any warmth. Which kept us going ... Seward, Hope, Homer, Captain Cook. Yes, we all finished, and will wear our jackets proudly ... I'll have "finisher" put on mine, I think.

There was an interesting sign as we were leaving Soldotna ... "bad check, Alecia someone." They publish your name here. Good for them. Maybe it embarasses them enough to make them come make the check good. Laughed to myself about that one.

Even though it wasn't warm it was beautiful ... the greenery, the trees and plants. Looks like summer, but sure doesn't feel like it. Lots of moose, today, several cows with very, very small calves. They're so cute.

We took New York to the end of the spit, then to the overlook above Homer so he could at least see some of the country. He fit right in with us ... poor guy.

Returned and met up with Stacey, her co-worker Eric, and Dennis. Went to Paradiso's for a great meal. It is all about the food, right? or the miles, or the friends, or the fun. Having a great time ...

Went back to the campground. Heard a group of our guys got speeding tickets. Whoops!!! I won't mention any names, but I could. I don't expect their wives were happy with them.

Good night.

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