Thursday, August 5, 2010

Aug. 4, POSTED Aug. 5 / Chip and Sturgis friends, NO PHOTOS

Aug. 4

It was an interesting night. My mat is good, although I could certainly stand to have one that is a little wider. I turned over many times, but did not fall off of it, although I thought I would. My sleeping bag was perfect as it got a little cool. So the temperature for sleeping was exactly right. Two Bike, Wrong Way and I were packed into their tent, but I don't think anyone's snoring kept anyone awake. I didn't sleep right away and could hear the music from the one bandstand, country type which was good, and someone's radio. It didn't bother me, surprisingly. Maybe it will later on, but I brought ear plugs, just in case. It was bothering someone else, though, because he kept hollering, “shut that effing radio off!”
We were up and moving before 6 a.m. Two Bike was making coffee, and Wrong Way and I were just milling around, doing a little nesting inside the tent and checking things on our bikes. Cupcake is also an early riser. We had our coffee, and it was smelling fine, and tasted even better. Then at 6 a.m. promptly it was time for reveille. Sounded great, and we heard a few “what the's” so we had done our duty. People were now up and moving around … at least some of them. I did tell Two Bike that we need it to be louder tomorrow. But today was the first day, a test run if you will. So coffee, and then Wrong Way and I headed for the shower. Got all the way there and realized I'd brought my wash cloth, but not my towel, so we shared. Hot water … YAY!!! We were early, and hopefully that made the difference, and we will continue to get to the showers in the a.m. before a lot of others do. It was pretty people-sparse this a.m.

We had this guy next to us show up multiple times yesterday evening. He was a bit hammered and kept asking where we were from. The boys kept telling him Alaska. He kept asking if they remembered him, and saying he remembered them. Finally Cupcake said yes, he remembered him. About a half hour later, same thing. This morning the guy came by, and he introduced himself as Jim. I told him not to ask if we were from Alaska again, and that he'd done it a dozen times the night before. He said he would not … actually seems like a pleasant enough guy., We also met Wally who is camped right next to us. And some folks from Michigan, central lower part, and Minnesota. Those are our current neighbors.

Two Bike headed to the shop about 8:30 and Wrong Way has friends coming to pick her up for a visit a little before 10. Cupcake, Sprinkles and I will be going shopping to pick up a list of stuff, including water for coffee, Corona and limes, junk food, Handi-wipes, Ziplocks and paper towels. I will then head to the shop to see if I can get online, and to check on Two Bike. If he needs to go somewhere he can use my bike while I'm blogging. That's assuming they have looked at or know what's going on with his bike. Then at 2 I need to call Shari and Auggie, and see if we can make arrangements for dinner. I've asked my other camp mates to join us. Then they'll know I'm with only slightly disreputable people here at the Chip.

It's a glorious morning, perfect temperatures (it's early yet), not too hot, and I'm sitting here in the shade at a picnic table working on my notes. The sun is out, we watched it come up, there are a few small clouds, and right now I'm liking camping. However, I don't want it to be known … so I have a couple of shots … happy camper/grumpy camper. We'll see which one I am by the end of this. Once it gets hot, grumpy camper may be making a rapid appearance. We'll see.

At this point, my notes are the morning update. There will probably be more later, but I won't be able to post until sometime down the road, time unknown. Depends on when wi-fi is up here, or I am somewhere else that has it.
Later Wednesday.
Two Bike went to Rapid, and by the time Cupcake, Sprinkles and I had finished the shopping and I went to the shop, he'd already been there, was gone and was back at camp. Cupcake and Sprinkles showed up at the shop, so we had a bite to eat and headed back to camp.
At the camp entrance I saw Wrong Way (who'd had friends come get her so they could visit a while) so I pulled around and stopped. Chatted with them, turned around and there was Bugs. I hollered at her, and scared her half to death. Bugs and Stalker had arrived. So very good to see them. Two Bike texted me that they had arrived. We texted him back, yes we know. We're with them. The group keeps expanding. Who knows who will show up tomorrow.
Could be Birdie (Julie) who apparently has left Monty, Brian and Kat and is heading to Billings.

I called Auggie and Shari to work at setting up a dinner meeting. We decided to meet at 6 p.m. at the Pizza Ranch.

In the meantime, we unloaded the provisions and put them away, the guys went to get ice, Stalker and Bugs set up their tent and blew up their mattress, we filled gallon Ziplocs with water and hung them up with string help keep the flies away, and we just started visiting and getting caught up.
We got our wienie in the buns photo, and then there was a quad-shot … and I don't mean coffee either. Two Bike shipped it out to a select few … including Biker Bill who thinks Two Bike was exceptionally lucky. He was smiling with all his teeth. lol

At 5:30 we saddled up and headed to town to see Shari and Auggie. It was so nice to see them and get hugs from each. It's been a while since we've seen Auggie although we were lucky enough to see Shari a few months ago when she came to Anchorage to visit. We chatted for quite a while and then it was time to go as the skies were starting to darken. We stood in the parking lot for a while, hugged again, and then off we went, heading back to the Chip.

Now I'm down at the Pit with Kevlar, Stalker and Wrong Way, but can't get connected. So I'm writing this and figuring maybe tomorrow will bring an internet connection. It's starting to rain, there's some thunder and lightning and we're sitting under a pavilion listening to the rain hitting the aluminum roof. Sounds really neat actually, but we'll get wet walking back to camp. Holy crap, now it's hailing and we're moving in from an outer table to one further under the pavilion. Leaning over this my butt is getting hit with hail. Whoa. This is ugly. We may be trapped under here for the night. Can we sleep on the tables. And now the wind has picked up and is rocking the tables.
The hail quit, the rain lightened up and we hurried back to camp. It was a little misty but not so bad. The folks back at camp had pulled everything into the tents, put the chairs up and other things, too. We hunkered around a little bit, but then it started to rain heavily and we ducked into our tents and closed them up. Wrong Way and I were sitting there before Two Bike came in and lightning and thunder struck and sounded at the same time. It sounded like it was right over our tent, and I was a very unhappy camper right then. It scared me so I was hollering and I could hear Two Bike outside laughing very loudly. But I lived through it.
So, guess we're all in.

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