Thursday, July 5, 2012

Back in the saddle again

Red, white and blue shirt, bandana and head covering in honor of Independence Day.
July 4 and I was on the road. It felt good to hit the highway, knowing I'm doing some miles again, serious miles, although not SERIOUS miles. I ran about 350-400. The sun on my face and running that yellow line down back roads makes me feel alive, alive, alive!

Yep I'm alive, I'm 65 and I'm going to arrive … somewhere. But I knew where this time, Elk City, Oklahoma. I don't always know where until I get there. That's the joy of a road trip. You don't have to set a time or place to be somewhere. You just know, or get so tired you have to stop. I love riding til that time or town shows up.

I followed Highway 160 out of Trinidad, and passed a ranch entrance flying our beautiful red, white and blue. I should have stopped to take a photo but I wanted to ride, to get the feel of the road under me again and to become one with Madame Harlow. When I go a few days without getting some miles on her tires our souls become a little bit separated.

It didn't take long to become one as we rolled through pasture land and valleys, between majestic mesas that rose from the ground. It's pretty green around here and I don't think that's usual. I saw cows and horses, the normal things, and a hawk or some type of eagle on an electric pole.

I'm not a farm or ranch girl but love cows, and windmills and what's associated with them.  And they make for great photos.  It really was beautiful country.  Up until the feed lots in Texas.  Peeeeyew!!! 
Riding that line is what it's about for me, and I think plenty of thoughts as I ride. I think of my friends, new and old, and the kindness, generosity and hospitality that has been shown to me over the past week or so. It makes a person feel good and rich to have such wonderful friends.

The speed limit was 65 but there was nothing out there, no cars, no cops. Madame Harlow and I were feeling the road. It felt so good, I bumped it up to about 80. With a road that is mostly straight, it was an easy ride and I needed to cover some miles.

Two birds considered hari kari and I had to duck. Now why did I do that? If they're going to hit me, it will happen. But Lady Luck or Mother Nature were on their side and they glided up and over my windshield, leaving no trace of of feathers or anything else on either Harlow or me. And on we rode.

This may have still been in Colorado, but I'm not sure.  There are ranch owners who have determined they will not sell their land to the Army.  The Army wants to buy up land that is way out from most anything and make a test site out of it.  The ranchers say ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!  I've seen a number of these signs.
With the heat rising, I put on my hydration vest, and continued to drink lots of water. It got hotter so I began stopping every 50 miles or so to re-hydrate the vest. Usually it's gas and go but today I decided it was better to take the time to cool off periodically instead of trying to bull my way through like I usually do. I sometimes get too focused on the mission (imagine that) and not on what I need to do to keep myself in good enough shape to complete it. Today was the exception.

Riding along with my feet on the highway pegs made me feel a bit like a frog. The pegs are high on the engine guard to keep my legs away from the engine heat. But since they are high and my knees are up somewhere around the gas tank, I just had this “I think I am a toad,” feeling. But riding along with the wind blowing my pantlegs blow up, and my little Alaskan white legs showing. I was glad I was wearing red and white socks and blue jeans. I was making a patriotic statement. But I did not look cool, and how uncool is that for a biker?

It was back roads nearly all the way, 160 to 287/385 to152 to 83 to I-40 for about 35 miles. I arrived at my Comfort Inn. I had found it and made a reservation using the Internet to tell me about the place. Isn't the Internet a wonderful thing? It sure is helpful, and it lets me tell my story.

This has to be how I looked today with my pant legs up above the top of my boots.  Maybe it's "look cool or stay home."  NOT!!  I was riding and that was all that mattered.

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