Back on the road
Bright and early, Tuesday, July 9, Ruth, Terry, Laurinda and I met up to go register. I'd met Laurinda at my first ride-in in Michigan as well, when I first met my group of Kansas friends. Of course, the frog slippers Ruth had given us made a huge hit. They sure were warm, though!!
Frog slippers rock!! Terry, Laurinda, Ruth and me. Ready for the Ride In. |
You put your right foot in ... and end up doing the hokey pokey. |
I spent most of my time at the Ride In just visiting with people. I didn't go on any of the rides, but did play a few of the games, like the scavenger hunt and the barcode game.
I'd also been watching posts from my New York friends, Richard (who I'd met at an Alaska rally a few years ago) and his lady, Kim. They are riding to Alaska and were going to try to make it to someplace close where we could go meet them. As it turned out they decided to come to Billings because Richard needed a service and had lost his shifter. They showed up Wednesday, after me tracking them across a couple of states until they arrived. About the time I thought they'd arrive, I went out to the front lobby … and there they were … unloading the bikes. It was wonderful to see them. They got to their room, freshened up and then we had dinner. It was an early night for them. They'd been running quite a few miles, and the heat isn't kind to any of us.
I was so glad to see Richard and Kim, and to have Hobbs meet them. We had a short time together, but I enjoyed it to the max. Safe travels, my awesome New York friends. See you soon, hopefully. |
Later Wednesday night Ruth and I went out and “frogged” a lot of the bikes. The frogging began as a prank years ago. Now people get frogs and put them secretly on bikes of people they like, new folks, or bikes they like. It's a fun tradition, and I had a few frogs on my own bike by the end of the Ride In.
Who knew the postman has a special motorcycle? |
Richard and Kim, ready to hit the road again. North to Alaska. |
On Thursday afternoon Richard and Kim were loaded up and ready to ride north. I decided to ride with them a bit since I'd not gotten to ride with Kim before. I so enjoyed it … do love riding with friends. I went out about 40 or 50 miles, and then let them continue on while I turned around and headed back to Billings. I needed to be back for the evening's festivities.
Thursday evening was the final event, the banquet. I received my mileage award, although the mileage was incorrect and the plaque has to be redone. While I also received the most overall mileage recognition there wasn't a physical award but I got the mention and the recognition. Oh well. I know. And corrections will be put out in the next Women on Wheels magazine.
There's the proof. |
Laurinda and Steve from Kansas. I met Laurinda at the first WOW Ride In I attended in Michigan, and finally got to see her again. |
We enjoyed the meal and the company. WOW rocks!! |
There were multiple raffles but I did NOT purchase a ticket on one for a jacket. Hobbs did. And wouldn't you know he'd win it. But it's a nice jacket, bright red, waterproof and lightweight. Perfect for down here. He didn't even get a shot at that … I knew it would fit me.
In current years the announcement of the Ride In two years in the future has been announced. We know next year, 2014, is in Monroe, Louisiana. Now we know that the 2015 Ride In will be held in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin.
It was a fun time, but on Friday morning it was time to move on down the road. Hobbs and I got up to a sunny, but partly cloudy day. It was perfect, high 70s and 80s. We had an excellent ride to Thermopolis, via Highway 310 from Billings.
We got registered at the hotel and then the rally. We decided to participate in the walking poker run which was mostly getting cards and having a poker hand sheet stamped at businesses downtown. We got most of the cards pulled … but nothing looking too good. Maybe that will be a good thing as there will be a money award for the worst hand.
I always like to see buffalo. There were a half dozen or so. When we parked on the road a number of them started coming toward us as though they thought we'd be handing out food. I think not. We rode on. |
After we had some supper we rode to Hot Springs State Park and wandered the roads, seeing some buffalo and a lone mule deer lying right next to the road. When I pulled over and stopped the bike to try to get a photo, she never moved. Wow. And she was beautiful.
What a beautiful creature. |
The river is beautiful with lots of little fish coming to the top. |
Hobbs was playing on the bridge. I was not afraid of the swinging bridge. |
We enjoyed sitting on the bench and relaxing. |
The minerals make for an interesting pattern on the side of the river. |
We walked across the suspension bridge and sat on the bench on the other side of the river. It was in the shade, there was a breeze and it was just so pleasant to watch the river, and hear the sounds of the loud speaker coming from the rodeo grounds not too far off. We looked at the build up from the minerals, and took photos and just enjoyed the peace and quiet. Maybe that's not everyone's idea of what to do at a rally, but it sure was suiting us.
The Native Americans discovered the hot mineral springs in Hot Springs Park. The Shoshone Indians called them "Bah Guewana" or smoking waters. The Crow Indians called them Medicine Water. |
Then it was back to the hotel. There were lots of folks sitting around in the parking lot, but I just wanted to be in the room, drinking water, playing on the computer and listening to cowboy music on the television. Yee haw!!!
You just have way to much fun.