Monday, May 22, 2017

Motorcycling in America Again

I was back in Phoenix with Joe and Verlie and was now reunited with my bike.  Joe asked me if I’d like to go on two Patriot Guard Rides on Thursday, May 11.  Of course. 
The Patriot Guard Riders is an organization based in the United States whose members attend the funerals of members of the U.S. military, firefighters, and police at the invitation of a decedent’s family.  In my mind it’s a way to honor them, although it’s sad. 
Verlie and Joe set up the flag on my bike.  Joe put a flag holder on it just for this purpose.

I was ready.
The first one was for a young man who’d gone down on his bike.  He was picking it up when a lady stopped and used her car to block and keep him safe.  Some nut job crashed into her, killing both her and the young man.  What a waste of lives.  But I was proud to be there to help transition him from the church to the cemetery. 

It was quite a ride, with the Patriot Guard leaders, the hearse, the rest of us, the road guards with their lights aflashing and sirens screaming, flying by to get ahead and block streets.  I have a big flag on my bike that is Joe’s.  He’s not using it because he’s working toward being a road guard so he shadows a road guard as they block traffic for the procession.  Being that I have a large flag, I get to ride forward as it’s organized by large, medium and small flags, then trikes and other vehicles.

The second one was for an older gentleman.  This one wasn’t quite as large a procession, but I was asked to be one of the honor bikes, riding directly behind the hearse.  We did another flag line at the cemetery for this man, and once again, I was honored to be a part of it.

On Friday, May 12, we went to a high school baseball game, semi-finals.  The first baseman, CJ, is Joe and Verlie’s nephew.  Yay.  They won.  As they were playing in the loser’s bracket, they would play the same team again the following evening.  And we’d be there.

In the meantime I took my bike in for a service.  Turned out I had a warped front rotor and had a couple of oil leaks … but yay, it’s covered by warranty.  The bad news was that I might not get it back until Monday and I was intending to meet up with Stef on Sunday.  We chatted about it, and she would go to Barstow, our meeting place.  I’d be there if I could, or we’d go to Plan B.  We didn’t’ have one yet, but we would if necessary.

So I was wearing nothing but a towel, brushing my teeth, and I saw some fuzz or something fluttering in the sink in the lower hole.  I was leaning over the sink so I really couldn't see what it was.  Then I stood up and looked.  Eeeeek.  It was something alive, with two little legs sticking out.  Joe.  Joe.  Help.  He came.  It was a scorpion but a pretty anemic-looking one.  He killed it.  Now I'm much more careful when brushing my teeth.  But I still wear a towel.
I got a call that the bike was done on Saturday, May 13.  The mechanic had worked late last night, and come in early this a.m. to finish it.  In my mind, that was above and beyond, so I took him a case of beer.  He was very pleased as I’d called to find out what kind he liked.  He stood holding that case of beer like it was gold. 

Back to the baseball field, which is the Angel’s Spring Training field.  We watched CJ’s team play again.  And they won.  They would play in the final championship game on Tuesday.  I’d be gone by then … somewhere in California or Nevada.  Good luck to them.  (I heard later they lost 6-4.  But it sounds like it was a good game.)

We got back to the house and I checked what I had on the bike and what I needed to take.  Tomorrow I take off to do a motorcycle riding trip.

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