Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saddle up and let's ride

Those who ride, ride. Those who ride, wait (except for the lucky few with trikes or sidehacks). When we don't ride, we wait for spring. And I'm thinking spring has finally sprung. Can it be true, or is Mother Nature just waiting, biding her time to cruelly dump another load of snow on us, even at this late date.

Ready ... and waiting.
Biker Bill and I rode to the bike show in early April. It was a short, but sweet ride, of only 15 miles. It appears that now we can begin to ride in earnest, rolling through the miles, and tanks of gas. I'm wondering if my credit card can handle the gas charges this year. It appears that to ride any number of miles, that we all need to be backed by a bank, or go looking for sponsorships!!

Freezing our butts off just riding 15 miles to and from the bike show.
I've been out a bit, riding with friends, and I'm hoping this finally, really, is it. Mother Nature has had her way with us for too long, and hopefully she's decided we've suffered enough.

Tamara, the daughter of a friend of mine from 2nd grade, me and Zookeeper.

Purple Haze

Uncle Glen, ready to ride.
The HOG rides started, April 25. It was wonderful to see so many people show up for the first ride of the season, so many beautiful bikes, some newer than others, and some great license plates. I do like to photograph license plates.

There are also the other rides, that aren't HOG. A lady that some of the officers met when they went to officer training in San Diego came to Anchorage so some of us got together and took her for a ride to Girdwood. It was nice meeting her, and being able to share a little bit of our great state with her.

Me, Purple Haze, Uncle Glen, Pam, Chuck, Vickie from San Diego, Birdie and Mike.
Let the riding begin, let us all ride safely, let us share our common bond with each other, making new friends, seeing old ones.

Hobbs on the Arm.  It's one of my favorite places to ride and take photos.

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