Tonight was the Wednesday night ride ... to Girdwood. Pleasant, and even got home early for a change. Kind of sucked since I'm practicing retirement tomorrow. On leave, don't have to get up early. Julie (Birdie) and I will head down to Soldotna a little before noon to get my handlebars adjusted and pick up my saddlebags. Others will leave before us, others after.
Forgot to write last night. A couple of great things happened during the Sheep ride, and after.
While we were in the restaurant, a guy came up and said hi to me, and asked if I remembered him. Oh boy, yes, I did. A voice from the past ... that's two within the week (haven't written about the other one ... Tall Paul on Wednesday last. He slept with my bike in Homer years ago after I had a flat tire. What guy!!!) Anyhow, I did remember this face, but hadn't seen it in years ... Choir Boy. He said that was a name he still went by. Keith ... is now practicing for the ministry in the service and getting married in 78 days ... wow. So good to see him. He's riding something else now, but looking for his old Heritage. I asked why since he had trashed it riding the Haul Road. He said, "You remember that?" Yep, sure do. I remember lots, but also know I forget a lot. Oh well. So nice to see him, too. But he's moving to Hawaii soon. I told him it's the only state I've not ridden in yet ... and I might see him.
On the way home (still talking about last night), I hit Raspberry. Crap. It was one-lane because of construction. There was a huge arrow telling people that and everyone moved into the right-hand lane. Then some little car rushed up to the front of the line, and eventually someone let him in. Then another truck-type of vehicle came speeding up. I moved over (on the bike, of course) to cut the lane off but he didn't slow down. Whoops. So, I moved back over since I didn't want to get run over. However, a big old 18-wheeler in front of me was apparently watching and he jumped his truck over into that lane and that speeding truck came to a screeching halt. Of course, I pumped the sky, told the bad driver he was number one, and gave the big truck driver a huge thumbs up!!! It made my day. Sometimes good happens ... and those that think they are better than others are reminded that they are NOT!!! And it's really nice to see that.
So, signing off for tonight. See some of you tomorrow. Be safe, ride safe.
Forgot to write last night. A couple of great things happened during the Sheep ride, and after.
While we were in the restaurant, a guy came up and said hi to me, and asked if I remembered him. Oh boy, yes, I did. A voice from the past ... that's two within the week (haven't written about the other one ... Tall Paul on Wednesday last. He slept with my bike in Homer years ago after I had a flat tire. What guy!!!) Anyhow, I did remember this face, but hadn't seen it in years ... Choir Boy. He said that was a name he still went by. Keith ... is now practicing for the ministry in the service and getting married in 78 days ... wow. So good to see him. He's riding something else now, but looking for his old Heritage. I asked why since he had trashed it riding the Haul Road. He said, "You remember that?" Yep, sure do. I remember lots, but also know I forget a lot. Oh well. So nice to see him, too. But he's moving to Hawaii soon. I told him it's the only state I've not ridden in yet ... and I might see him.
On the way home (still talking about last night), I hit Raspberry. Crap. It was one-lane because of construction. There was a huge arrow telling people that and everyone moved into the right-hand lane. Then some little car rushed up to the front of the line, and eventually someone let him in. Then another truck-type of vehicle came speeding up. I moved over (on the bike, of course) to cut the lane off but he didn't slow down. Whoops. So, I moved back over since I didn't want to get run over. However, a big old 18-wheeler in front of me was apparently watching and he jumped his truck over into that lane and that speeding truck came to a screeching halt. Of course, I pumped the sky, told the bad driver he was number one, and gave the big truck driver a huge thumbs up!!! It made my day. Sometimes good happens ... and those that think they are better than others are reminded that they are NOT!!! And it's really nice to see that.
So, signing off for tonight. See some of you tomorrow. Be safe, ride safe.
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