Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another rally over. A great time, great rides at the rally, and home. Was also great to see our friends Guy, Dewey and Girard from the Yukon. They are very loyal about coming to our rallies ... especially Guy and Dewey.

Unloaded the bike, washed it, and here I am. Don't know if I'm too tired to write or just out of words. Out of words doesn't seem likely.

However, I would like to mention someone who I believe is worth admiring. I admire her, and others should, in my humble opinion. Anne, wife of Jim. She is quiet, and is a rider below the radar of many. She doesn't talk about it; she just does it. She rode the Kenai 500, rode to Milwaukee for one of the celebrations a few years ago, withstood a tent blowing away like Dorothy's house in Kansas, her bike being blown over ... it's quite a story ... and she continues to ride. Let's stand up and give Anne a standing ovation. She rides a black and white Deluxe. You go, Anne.

Another moose mama and her two calves across from the Naptown Inn in Stling-ish. Breakfast there this a.m. on the way home. It actually was a pleasant ride ... traffic wasn't horrendous, and we weren't in a rush, which makes the traffic easier to deal with.

So, being that it's over, maybe it's time to cut off the wristband I just realized was still on my arm.

Time to sign off. Still working on reading the Twilight series. Looking forward to the next move coming out June 30, although I'll be gone. But will see it at some point.

Hope all arrived home safely. Didn't hear anything to the contrary. Yep, know this stuff is a bit out of order ... that's how my mind is working this evening.

Off to read.

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